Ashtanga Mantra
This chant opens an Ashtanga practice. The chant connects our current practice to the tradition of Ashtanga yoga. With the chant, you honor the ancient tradition of yoga and Patanjali, who wrote the Yoga Sutras many hundreds of years ago.
वन्दे गुरूणां चरणारविन्दे
सन्दर्शित स्वात्म सुखाव बोधे
निःश्रेयसे जङ्गलिकायमाने
संसार हालाहल मोहशांत्यै
आबाहु पुरुषाकारं
शंखचक्रासि धारिणम्
सहस्र शिरसं श्वेतं
प्रणमामि पतञ्जलिम्
vande gurunam charanaravinde
sandarshita svatma sukhava bodhevande gurūṇāṁ caraṇāravinde
sandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhe
nih shreyase jangali kayamane
sansara halahala mohashantyai
niḥ-śreyase jaṅgali-kāyamāne
saṁsāra hālāhala mohaśāṁtyai
ābāhu puruṣākāraṁ
śaṁkhacakrāsi dhāriṇam
sahasra śirasaṁ śvetaṁ
praṇamāmi patañjalim
I bow to the lotus feet of our great teachers,
who uncovers our true self and awakens happiness
Like a Shaman in the Jungle he brings total complete well-beeing.
He can even heal the most awful poision of conditioning and illusion.
The upper body of human shape, carrying
a mussel horn (original tone), a discus (infinity) and a sword (power of differentiation)
having 1000 bright heads,
I bow to Patanjali.
vande (वन्दे, vande) = (1. pers. sg. of vand (वन्द्, vand)) praise
gurunam (गुरूणां, gurūṇāṁ) = (gen. pl.) great teacher, master, guru
charana (चरणा, caraṇā) = (pl.) feet
ravinde (रविन्दे, ravinde) = (loc. sg.) Lotus
san (सन्, san) = (non konjuktional) offer, give
darshita (दर्शित, darśita) = (past passive particip) uncover
sva (स्व, sva) = own
atma (आत्म, ātma) = the own self
sukha (सुख, sukha) = happiness, bliss, joyful
sukhavabodhe (सुखावबोधे, sukhāvabodhe) = (loc. sg.) joyful awakening
nih (निः, niḥ) = (reinforcing part.) very, thorough
shreyase (श्रेयसे, śreyase) = (dat. sg. m.) well-being, happiness, joy
jangali (जाङ्गलि, jāṅgali) = jungle
kayamane (कायमाने, kāyamāne) = One who has knowledge about healing, who heales, a healer, shaman
jangali kayamane (जाङ्गलिकायमाने, jāṅgali-kāyamāne) = jungle shamans. In the 9. century when those verses were created the jungle shamans were the best doctors.They had huge knowledge about medicinal plants and leaves and they could heal a variety of illnesses. In India their fame exists until today.
sansara (संसार, saṁsāra) = Conditioning, wheel of cause and result
halahala (हालाहल, hālāhala) = most awful conceivable poison
moha (मोह, moha) = deceit, deception, illusion
shantyai (शांत्यै, śāṁtyai) = (imperativ pass. sg. from shant (शांत्, śāṁt)) ease, calm down
abahu (आबाहु, ābāhu) = upper body
purusha (पुरुष, puruṣa) = (m.) human being, man, soul
akaram (आकारम्, ākāram) = (acc. of akara (आकर, ākara)) shape, appearance, form
shhankha (श्हंख, śhaṁkha) = (acc.) mussel horn. The horn symbolises the tone
ँौं that is considered to be the original tone and the basis of all that is.
chakra (चक्र, cakra) = (acc.) Wheel, Discus. The Chakra represents infinity
asi (असि, asi) = (acc.) Sword, because sword represents the power of differentiation. Not applicable here: you are (2. pers. sg.), because of the word order
dharinam (धारिणम्, dhāriṇam) = holding, carrying
sahasra (सहस्र, sahasra) = 1000
shirasam (शिरसं, śirasaṁ) = (akk. sg.) Head
shvetam (श्वेतं, śvetaṁ) = (akk. sg.) white, bright
pranamami (प्रणमामि, praṇamāmi) = (1. pers. sg.) I bow
patanjalim (पतञ्जलिम्, patañjalim) = (akk. sg.) to Patanjali, the Author of the Yoga-Sutra. This work is considered to be one of the most important philosophical basis’ of Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga
वन्दे गुरूणां चरणारविन्दे
सन्दर्शित स्वात्म सुखाव बोधे
निःश्रेयसे जङ्गलिकायमाने
संसार हालाहल मोहशांत्यै
आबाहु पुरुषाकारं
शंखचक्रासि धारिणम्
सहस्र शिरसं श्वेतं
प्रणमामि पतञ्जलिम्
vande gurunam charanaravinde
sandarshita svatma sukhava bodhevande gurūṇāṁ caraṇāravinde
sandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhe
nih shreyase jangali kayamane
sansara halahala mohashantyai
niḥ-śreyase jaṅgali-kāyamāne
saṁsāra hālāhala mohaśāṁtyai
ābāhu puruṣākāraṁ
śaṁkhacakrāsi dhāriṇam
sahasra śirasaṁ śvetaṁ
praṇamāmi patañjalim
I bow to the lotus feet of our great teachers,
who uncovers our true self and awakens happiness
Like a Shaman in the Jungle he brings total complete well-beeing.
He can even heal the most awful poision of conditioning and illusion.
The upper body of human shape, carrying
a mussel horn (original tone), a discus (infinity) and a sword (power of differentiation)
having 1000 bright heads,
I bow to Patanjali.
vande (वन्दे, vande) = (1. pers. sg. of vand (वन्द्, vand)) praise
gurunam (गुरूणां, gurūṇāṁ) = (gen. pl.) great teacher, master, guru
charana (चरणा, caraṇā) = (pl.) feet
ravinde (रविन्दे, ravinde) = (loc. sg.) Lotus
san (सन्, san) = (non konjuktional) offer, give
darshita (दर्शित, darśita) = (past passive particip) uncover
sva (स्व, sva) = own
atma (आत्म, ātma) = the own self
sukha (सुख, sukha) = happiness, bliss, joyful
sukhavabodhe (सुखावबोधे, sukhāvabodhe) = (loc. sg.) joyful awakening
nih (निः, niḥ) = (reinforcing part.) very, thorough
shreyase (श्रेयसे, śreyase) = (dat. sg. m.) well-being, happiness, joy
jangali (जाङ्गलि, jāṅgali) = jungle
kayamane (कायमाने, kāyamāne) = One who has knowledge about healing, who heales, a healer, shaman
jangali kayamane (जाङ्गलिकायमाने, jāṅgali-kāyamāne) = jungle shamans. In the 9. century when those verses were created the jungle shamans were the best doctors.They had huge knowledge about medicinal plants and leaves and they could heal a variety of illnesses. In India their fame exists until today.
sansara (संसार, saṁsāra) = Conditioning, wheel of cause and result
halahala (हालाहल, hālāhala) = most awful conceivable poison
moha (मोह, moha) = deceit, deception, illusion
shantyai (शांत्यै, śāṁtyai) = (imperativ pass. sg. from shant (शांत्, śāṁt)) ease, calm down
abahu (आबाहु, ābāhu) = upper body
purusha (पुरुष, puruṣa) = (m.) human being, man, soul
akaram (आकारम्, ākāram) = (acc. of akara (आकर, ākara)) shape, appearance, form
shhankha (श्हंख, śhaṁkha) = (acc.) mussel horn. The horn symbolises the tone
ँौं that is considered to be the original tone and the basis of all that is.
chakra (चक्र, cakra) = (acc.) Wheel, Discus. The Chakra represents infinity
asi (असि, asi) = (acc.) Sword, because sword represents the power of differentiation. Not applicable here: you are (2. pers. sg.), because of the word order
dharinam (धारिणम्, dhāriṇam) = holding, carrying
sahasra (सहस्र, sahasra) = 1000
shirasam (शिरसं, śirasaṁ) = (akk. sg.) Head
shvetam (श्वेतं, śvetaṁ) = (akk. sg.) white, bright
pranamami (प्रणमामि, praṇamāmi) = (1. pers. sg.) I bow
patanjalim (पतञ्जलिम्, patañjalim) = (akk. sg.) to Patanjali, the Author of the Yoga-Sutra. This work is considered to be one of the most important philosophical basis’ of Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga